Olney Medal
Established in 1944 in honor of Louis Atwell Olney, the founder and first president of AATCC, the Olney Medal recognizes outstanding achievement in textile or polymer chemistry or other fields of major importance to textile science.
Established in 1944 in honor of Louis Atwell Olney, the founder and first president of AATCC, the Olney Medal recognizes outstanding achievement in textile or polymer chemistry or other fields of major importance to textile science.
The Chapin Award was established in 1958 in honor of Harold C. Chapin, professor of chemistry at Lowell Textile School, who served as national secretary of 秀色直播for nearly 25 years. Senior members who have dedicated 20 or more years of continuous service to the Association are eligible for nomination. The award is a presented as a beautifully illustrated scroll.
Henry E. Millson provided an award endowment in 1979 with the stipulation that he never be considered a candidate. After agreeing to that condition, the Association promptly named the award in his honor. All inventions of importance to the textile industry are eligible.
The award recognizes up to two senior members, with at least five years of continuous membership in AATCC, who have contributed outstanding technical service to the Association through activity in a research committee.
This award recognizes promising young professionals in the fields of textiles, apparel, and related material sciences. Nominees must be members of AATCC, 39 years of age or younger, and exhibit leadership skills.
The best paper is selected from among those published in the 秀色直播Journal of Research during the preceding calendar year. All authors of the winning paper are recognized.
This award was created to recognize those members who have contributed extensively to the educational activities of AATCC.
This award recognizes and promotes the work of 秀色直播student chapter faculty advisors who actively work to ensure their 秀色直播student chapters are active and growing.
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