
Starting a Student Chapter

How Do I Form a Student Chapter?
  • You must elect officers; the following are required positions, but you may elect other officer positions as necessary
    • Chair
    • Vice-Chair
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
  • To form an 秀色直播Student Chapter you will need:
    • A faculty advisor for the 秀色直播Student Chapter
    • A minimum of 10 秀色直播Student Members who have joined the Association (Student Chapters with 15 秀色直播Student Members or more receive free membership for their Faculty Advisor)
    • 秀色直播Student Chapters can name themselves anything they would like but must have 秀色直播in the name (ex: 秀色直播Fashion Club, 秀色直播Textile Junkies)
    • All Student Chapters must have written bylaws. Student Chapter bylaws must not conflict with 秀色直播bylaws. See example of bylaws here.
  • Write a letter of petition (can be emailed) to the Membership Committee and Board of Directors to be recognized as an 秀色直播Student Chapter. Please include the following:
    • Letter indicating that the members wish to form a Chapter
    • List of at least 10 current 秀色直播student members at the school
    • Letter from a school faculty member indicating willingness to serve as advisor to the chapter (The proposed advisor must be a current senior or associate member of AATCC.)
    • Copy of the chapter bylaws (see Appendix of the Student Chapter for sample)
  • The Membership Committee and Board of Directors will vote at the next committee meeting to recognize your club as an official 秀色直播Student Chapter
  • Please see the Student Handbook for more information
  • If you have any other questions, please contact Student Membership Specialist Josie Cranfill or Membership Director Maria Thiry

Student Chapter Activities

What kinds of things do 秀色直播Student Chapters do?
  • 秀色直播has developed a Programs Guide for Student Chapters.
  • This is simply a guide to help you organize programs and to create a successful Student Chapter.
  • These programs are not required by AATCC. You may implement any of these ideas and adapt the programs according to your specific Student Chapter needs.
  • If you have any questions in regards to this Program鈥檚 Guide or would like to add any programs please contact AATCC.

Student Chapter Benefits

What benefits do Student Chapters receive from AATCC?
  • All 秀色直播Faculty Advisors for Student Chapters who have 15 or more 秀色直播Student members by May 1st receive free 秀色直播Senior membership for one year. Faculty Advisors must contact Membership for free membership.
  • Student Chapter officers receive one free 秀色直播Student membership for one year for ever 15 秀色直播Student Members as of the May 1st membership count. The chapter officers must decide which of them receives the free membership (with approval from Faculty Advisor). The students must contact Membership to receive this benefit
  • Many 秀色直播Scholarships are only offered to students attending a school with a Student Chapters.

Student Chapter Funding

Student Chapter Funding
Is your student chapter looking for funding programs, events, or other educational opportunities to enhance the 秀色直播student chapter experience? 秀色直播Student Chapters can now receive funding through a refund of 50% of their total student membership dues. Download the flyer to learn more information. Click here for the application

Student Forums

Updating AATCC

How do I keep 秀色直播updated?
  • Student Chapters are encouraged to email AATCC staff meeting minutes, pictures, and other news pertaining to their chapter.
  • We will frequently share these on social media and on our webpage.

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