秀色直播individual members will vote on President-elect and Interest Group Board of Directors representatives this fall. Ballots will be emailed in September and returned by November 1. Election results will be announced at the 秀色直播Annual Meeting, preceding the Technical Committee on Research (TCR) meeting November 13, 2024.
To verify or update your voting interest group, please log in and visit . You may join all four interest groups, but only select one for voting rights. This is also a good opportunity to update contact information and other profile details. Make all changes by August 1 to ensure you receive the correct ballot.
The 秀色直播nominating committee presents the slate below. Members may provide additional &/bod/8220;write-in&/bod/8221; nominations until August 1.
Article VI, Section 2: Additional Nominations
Any additional nomination for President-Elect signed by at least fifty Individual members, or for Interest Group Chair? signed by at least twenty-five Individual Members of that Interest Group, may be filed with the chief staff executive not later than August first.
Christina Rapa
Christina Rapa has been an advocate for 秀色直播for over 23 years. Starting as a Textile Engineering student at both Jefferson University and NC State and continuing through the formation of the Northwest chapter in Portland/Seattle in the early 2000s, she now serves as the Delaware Valley chapter Chair. &/bod/8220;Networking with both industry professionals and universities on a regional basis is one of the key reasons I joined AATCC. I utilize the expert knowledge base that 秀色直播members provide in my career and love the opportunity to learn about new material innovations&/bod/8221;. As the Material Interest Group chair for the last 3.5 years, she has invited members via webinar to hear diverse speaker topics such as &/bod/8220;Space Textiles&/bod/8221;, &/bod/8220;Biobased leather&/bod/8221;, &/bod/8220;Advances in regenerated cellulose&/bod/8221; and &/bod/8220;Seaweed fiber&/bod/8221;.
As an engineer in the Fabrics division at W.L. Gore and Associates, she focuses on digital transformation, including 3D material creation and PLM software implementation.
&/bod/8220;My favorite event of the year is the 秀色直播Textile Discovery Summit. A key organizational practice at Gore is to &/bod/8216;build your lattice&/bod/8217;. 秀色直播allows me to connect with other professionals in the textile, footwear and apparel industry and I look forward to building on this momentum as President-elect in the coming years&/bod/8221;.
Interest Group Representatives
Chemical Applications: Chair
Sabyasachi Gaan
Sabyasachi Gaan received his PhD in chemistry from UC Davis in 2007. He has been working at Empa in Switzerland since 2007 and is currently head of the Additives and Chemistry group in the Laboratory of Advanced Fibers. His group specializes in the development of functional polymer and metal additives, synthesis and modification of sustainable thermoset and thermoplastic polymers, and recycling of polymers. His group has developed several phosphorus flame retardants that are in various stages of commercialization. He has published more than 100 scientific articles and 8 patents.
Gaan&/bod/8217;s Group was awarded the Empa Innovation Prize in 2016 for the successful transfer of technology to industry. The innovation was the synthesis of a new, halogen-free flame-retardant EDA-DOPO and its use in polyurethane foams. He has been a member of 秀色直播since 2016, served on the 秀色直播Journal of Research Committee, and currently serves as the 秀色直播Chemical Applications Interest Group Chair.
Concept 2 Consumer: Chair
Chris Hipps
Chris Hipps is the Global Director of the Color Management business at Archroma. He has been with Archroma since 2014. Prior to this, from 1998 to 2014, he was with Datacolor, Oxco, and CAE Simuflite in various technical, sales, and marketing positions. Beginning his career as a process engineer and shift dyeing manager at Dixie Yarns&/bod/8217; Caroknit division, he graduated from NC State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Textile Science and then earned his Master of Business Administration degree from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Hipps has been a member of 秀色直播since 1992 and is currently the interim Chair for the Concept to Consumer Interest Group on the 秀色直播Board of Directors.
Materials: Chair
Apurba Banerjee
Apurba Banerjee is a Textile Research Scientist at Standard Textile Corporation (STC). As a key member of the Research and Development department, she plays a pivotal role in bringing sustainable, value-added products to life in the realms of Hospitality, Healthcare, and Interiors. Her journey is marked by a rich tapestry of experiences. Before joining STC, she navigated diverse career landscapes, leaving her mark on Sourcing, Product Development, and Polymer Research. Her expertise was instrumental in driving projects at renowned companies such as Glowforge, Milwaukee Tool, and brrr?Inc.
Banerjee is a proud alumna of the University of Georgia, where she earned her Ph.D. in Polymer, Fiber, and Textile Science in 2017. Prior to that, she honed her craft at Colorado State University, graduating with a master&/bod/8217;s degree in Apparel and Merchandising in 2013.
Beyond the corporate realm, Banerjee is a part of international standard organization. Her passion for advancing industry benchmarks is evident through her voluntary leadership roles in organizations like 秀色直播(American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists) and ASTM International (American Society for Testing and Materials). When not immersed in the world of textiles, Banerjee thrives on outdoor adventures with her dog (hiking 43 miles of the Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin), enjoys sharing her culinary escapades as a Yelp Elite and showcases local hidden gems as a host on a Wisconsin-based Travel TV Show, &/bod/8220;Discover Wisconsin.&/bod/8221;
Materials: Vice Chair
Yongxin Wang
Yongxin Wang is a Materials Manager at W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. She has been with W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. since 2018. Prior to this, Wang worked at VF Corporation as a Materials Research Manager, where she worked as a project lead, and gaining extensive experience on raw materials and their properties, textile manufacturing/processing/structure, and their relation with apparel performance. Wang received her Masters in Textile Materials and Product Design from Donghua University, Shanghai China in 2010, and went on to receive her Ph.D. in Fiber and Polymer Science from North Carolina State University in 2013. Her experience in textiles is demonstrated in her numerous publications throughout her career. Wang has been a member of 秀色直播2021.
Rising Professionals: Chair
Jessica Brooks
Jessica Brooks is the Colorist for the Vertical Business Units for W. L. Gore & Associates. She has been with Gore since 2021. In addition, Brooks is adjunct faculty at Thomas Jefferson University and teaches the Color, Dyeing & Finishing course. Prior to this, she was the Dye Lab & Technical Manager for Darlington Fabrics. From 2010 to 2019 Brooks held various positions at Brookwood Companies and Brookwood Finishing, ranging from sales to managing the physical testing laboratory & dye laboratory. She graduated from URI with a MS in Textile Science and has a BS double major in Criminal Justice and Sociology with a minor in Legal Studies from the University of Delaware.
Brooks has been a member of 秀色直播since 2013 and is currently the Vice Chair of the 秀色直播Delaware Valley Section and the Chair of the RISE Interest Group. She is a member of the RA36 Color Measurement Test Methods committee and on the 秀色直播Board of Directors. She feels very strongly in helping push future generations into taking active roles within 秀色直播and promoting a mentorship space within the association.
Rising Professionals: Vice Chair
Monét Freeman
Monét Freeman serves as a Physical Testing Specialist at the Textile Technology Center at Gaston College, with six years of professional experience steering all facets of manufacturing, quality and testing, operations management, and coordinating industry training. Originally from Charlotte, North Carolina, Freeman completed her studies in Textile Technology at North Carolina State University’s Wilson College of Textiles. Freeman is a strong believer that, no matter what, there is always room for improvement and perfecting your craft. In her free time, Freeman enjoys spending time with family and friends, as well as traveling and exploring different cultures. Her interest in the rising professionals interest group stems from her own personal experience of not feeling fully equipped with the tools for career development or networking right out of school. Finding a way into the world of textiles can be a little intimidating in the beginning, but being a part of a group like this takes away some of the intimidation of doing it alone while furthering your connections and career.
秀色直播Board of Directors 2023 &/bod/8211; 2024
The 秀色直播Board of Directors are elected and serve the Association based on the directives of AATCC&/bod/8217;s Constitution and Bylaws.
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Job Description
All 秀色直播Interest Group officers are to be senior members of the Association. In the 秀色直播Constitution: Article III Membership, Section III: Right to Vote, it states: —Senior Members only shall have the right to vote, hold office and make motions in the Association.
In the 秀色直播Bylaws, Article XI, Interest Groups, Section 5: Representation, it states — Each Interest Group shall be represented on the Board of Directors of the Association by the Chair elected for a two-year term by the Group to take office on the next January 1st, following his or her election.
Term of office for all interest group officers is two years. An individual may not serve more than two consecutive terms as Chair of any interest group.
If a representative of an Interest Group is unable to attend a Board of Directors’ meeting, the Chair of that Group may appoint a Senior Member of the Group to represent it in that meeting; but in no case shall the appointment apply to more than one meeting, and no individual may cast more than one vote on any motion or issue in a Board of Directors meeting. (Bylaws, Article XI, Section 5: Substitute Interest Group Board Members).
Chair Responsibilities
In accordance with Article IV Section 5 of the Bylaws, each Interest Group Chair is an ex officio member of the Membership Committee. The Interest Group Chairs are also ex officio members of the Executive Committee on Research, Technical Committee on Research, Committee on Conferences, Publications Committee (non-voting), and Education Advisory Board.
The role of the Interest Group Chair is to manage the operation of the Interest Group . This involves planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the Interest Group’s activities.
Specific duties of the Interest Group Chair include:
&/bod/8211; Being familiar with the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws
&/bod/8211; Presiding at all meetings of the interest group
&/bod/8211; Coordinating the officers into a team, keeping all well informed of current and anticipated issues or events
&/bod/8211; Submitting an itemized annual budget request to the Board of Directors at the annual budget meeting, if there is a project to fund.
&/bod/8211; Presiding over the election of officers at the Interest Group committee meeting in the Fall, in order to have the officers confirmed at the Fall meeting of the 秀色直播Board of Directors.
&/bod/8211; Appointment of sub-committees or task groups
&/bod/8211; Requesting reports from Interest Group subcommittees or task groups, if applicable
&/bod/8211; Notifying the Vice-chair of the need to assume responsibilities of the Chair in the event of absence or inability to perform his/her duties
&/bod/8211; Appointing and assigning as many active members as possible to committees or other jobs, including Technical program, Publicity, Nominating, Membership.
The IG Chair is responsible for appointing all subcommittees or task groups when needed, as specified by the Association’s bylaws.
Committee chairs should have the following qualifications:
&/bod/8211; Senior membership in the Association
&/bod/8211; Commitment to the goals of the IG and the Association
&/bod/8211; Understanding of, and willingness to assume, the duties of the position
Recruiting Guidelines
&/bod/8211; Be positive when offering a volunteer job to a member. Be prepared to describe the job and the time required, and to promote the rewards.
&/bod/8211; Recruit new members and younger members to committee, as well as long-time members
who have demonstrated leadership skills and interest.
&/bod/8211; Develop broad-based skills among Interest Group members by rotating jobs.
Conduct of Meetings
Interest Group Meetings
The Interest Group Chair presides at all regular and special meetings of the Interest Group
Every meeting should follow a planned agenda. The?Interest Group Chair, with the?Secretary, prepares the agenda.?
Suggested Agenda
&/bod/8211; Call to order – this simple step formally opens the meeting and makes members aware that their discussion and decisions will become a part of the formal record.
&/bod/8211; Approval of previous minutes – the minutes are the official record of the members’ interactions. Accuracy is very important, and approval is mandatory. This is the appropriate time for members to offer amendments, changes, or corrections. Ideally, the minutes are circulated prior to the meeting for careful review. Once a set of minutes has been approved, it should not be changed.
&/bod/8211; Committee reports – Interest Group committee Chairs should be surveyed. If there is “no report,” a note to that effect should be made in the minutes.
&/bod/8211; Unfinished business – these are agenda items that have been tabled previously or are continuing. A review of previous minutes should provide a list of these agenda items.
&/bod/8211; New business – these are topics that are to be discussed for the first time at the current meeting.
&/bod/8211; Date, time, and place of next meeting – to be announced and recorded in the minutes.
&/bod/8211; Adjournment – this closes the formal part of the meeting. Any discussion, decisions, or agreements that may occur afterwards are not part of the formal record.
Meeting Guidelines
&/bod/8211; Allow one speaker at a time. A particularly lively group may need a firm reminder.
&/bod/8211; Make sure each member has a turn to contribute. This may involve a polite but firm stifling of a member who seems to be dominating the discussion.
&/bod/8211; Carry out most of the business in executive meetings and make announcements at general meetings. When an action is decided upon, make sure the record names the individual who is responsible for carrying it out.
&/bod/8211; Keep them short and meet regularly. Use parliamentary procedures.
&/bod/8211; Plan meetings requiring a mix of Interest Group business and speakers or panel discussions carefully, so that speakers and panelists have adequate time to present their topics.
&/bod/8211; A roster of the Board of Directors for the Association ()
&/bod/8211; Contact Membership Services to ask for an updated list of current and lapsed Interest Group Members.
&/bod/8211; Publications and testing materials ()
&/bod/8211; Educational programs, workshops, and conferences ()
Annual Meeting
The agenda is the Interest Group Chair’s responsibility and should always include:
&/bod/8211; Chair’s annual report—summarizes the year just completed
&/bod/8211; Minutes of the last annual meeting—remind the members about the Interest Group’s status at the same time the previous year and about any decisions and recommendations
that were made at the time
&/bod/8211; Introduction of incoming officers—ensures that everyone knows who their executive leaders will be for the coming year
&/bod/8211; Other reports—for example: corporate and individual membership, Future Leaders Award, etc.
Transfer of Responsibilities and Information
&/bod/8211; Ideally, the Interest Group will have a formal, structured transitional meeting where each officer transfers all material to his/her successor and explains the duties and methods used to implement them.
&/bod/8211; If the transition is informal and unstructured, it is important that you meet with your successor to transfer all documentation and to brief him/her on the routines and duties that he/she will be expected to carry out.
&/bod/8211; No matter how successful a year your program produced, the full benefit cannot be realized unless your successor carries on your work. Good communication is a key factor in your success.
&/bod/8211; Be sure that only pertinent documentation is transferred. Discard all obsolete papers and materials.
Installation of New Officers
&/bod/8211; By formally installing new officers, the objectives and dignity of the Association are preserved. The extent of formality depends upon the viewpoint of the Interest Group members and on the size of the Interest Group. The installation should be designed to enhance the honor of holding office in the Interest Group. Here are some suggestions:
&/bod/8211; The outgoing Chair makes a brief speech outlining the major duties of the Chair, and his/her particular goals for the past year. He/she wishes the incoming Chair and officers success for the coming year
&/bod/8211; Each outgoing officer explains the major duties of his/her office and extends best wishes to his/her successor
&/bod/8211; A past officer thanks and congratulations the outgoing officers
&/bod/8211; Keep the ceremony brief, dignified and to the point. No matter what form is used, be sure that someone is appointed to thank the outgoing officers and wish success to the incoming group. It is appropriate to present some memento or a certificate of appreciation at this time
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